About StrongHold
Brett has strong morals and ethics based on his Christian Faith. He believes in working hard and doing what you say you are going to do. His foundation of faith and a strong work ethic led him to the name of his company, StrongHold Inspections & Septic Pumping.
He bases his business practice on Luke 6:47-49 “ As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent stuck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my works and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.
Our hope is all people build their faith on a firm foundation and Strong Hold will make sure your home is built on a firm foundation.

Brett Thompson – Owner and Certified InterNACHI (International Association of Certified Home Inspectors) Lead Inspector
Brett is the owner and lead inspector of StrongHold Inspections & Septic Pumping.
Brett started working at a very young age helping a dairy farmer in the area. At the age of 10 Brett started working for a family operated construction company and worked in construction for about 13 years. Brett also started his own custom farming business during this time and worked many evenings hauling square bales and farming after his construction job was done for the day.
In 2005 he went out on his own and started an excavation and landscaping company that become very successful in a short amount of time. Brett sold his excavation/landscaping company in 2012 for an opportunity to become Ranch manager of a very large company in the area. In a very short period of time with this company Brett was offered the position of Vice President of Operations. Brett’s experience as Vice President for this company is one that was like no other and he learned more aspects of running a business than he thought possible.
The experience Brett has received over the years from working in farming, construction, owning his own landscaping/excavation company has been invaluable. Brett’s hard work, attention to detail, and customer service is what has made him very successful. He believes honesty is the absolute best policy and doing what you say you are going to do means everything, this is not only in business but in everyday life.

Cindy Thompson – StrongHold Pumping Office Manager
Cindy is Brett’s wife. She joined StrongHold full time in May of 2023 to run the septic pumping side of the business.

Katrina Karnes – Sidekick
Katrina is the office manager for the inspections side of StrongHold Inspections & Septic Pumping and came on board in the company’s infancy in 2020.
She worked in retail management for over 10 years. Her strengths, for multiple companies, were taking underperforming stores from the red into the green with organization, training, and efficiency.
Katrina has helped build and renovate homes and has a strong love of power tools. She co-managed a 420-unit apartment complex and learned a few new things about repairing and maintaining buildings for a longer life expectancy of the building and the safety of its residents.
Katrina enjoys watching the Chiefs play with her family, video games with her kids, and making Excel charts to calculate and track everything in her life.

Scott Hill – Inspector
Scott is a native of St. Louis and moved to Lake of the Ozarks in 2022. He started as an inspector for StrongHold Inspections & Septic Pumping in March of 2023.
Right out of high school, he was licensed as an Aircraft Technician and then became a Master Automotive Technician for almost 15 years. In 2006, he started rehabbing homes and became a licensed Realtor in 2008. He continued rehabbing and providing his handyman skills to other realtors and clients while selling homes and leading and helping clients who were facing foreclosure.
Scott attended AHIT (American Home Inspection Training) and passed the National Home Inspector Exam. He is a member of InterNACHI and ASHI. He received his field training from several experienced veteran inspectors that have been in the business 30 plus years. He is also state certified to perform septic and termite inspections.
Scott enjoys Hunting and Bass Fishing Tournaments throughout the U.S. and is a Licensed Coast Guard Boat Captain.

Garrett Verheyen – Inspector
Garrett is from Ozark, MO. He started as an inspector for StrongHold Inspections & Septic Pumping in September of 2024.
He is an InterNACHI certified professional inspector.
Bio coming soon…