Septic Pricing
Septic Pump $275.00+
Basic maintenance pump 1,000-gallon tank (3-bedroom). Does not include pricing for neglected systems.
Additional Tank Discounted
Price based on tank sizes.
Sewer Scope $250.00+
A camera is used to view the sewer line(s) and check for current or potential issues such as blockages, tree roots, cracks, etc.
Baffle Replacement $75.00ea+
Initial pricing is based on not having to enter the tank.
Adding Risers Prices Vary
Risers vary by size and depth. We may not be able to give an exact quote without visiting the site first.
Septic Tank Locate w/Inspection or Pump $100.00
There is an additional $75 hold in case the tank cannot be accessed once found to replace the locator beacon. This is refundable as long as the beacon is immediately recovered during the locate.
Septic Dig $400.00+
Both accesses for the tank must be available to pump the tank or inspect it PROPERLY. Adding risers at the time of the dig so the tank does not require excavation for every service is recommended.
Emergency/Weekend Fee $125.00
Holiday Fee $100.00
On top of Emergency/Weekend Fee* Based on USPS/Bank holiday schedules.
Neglected System $50.00+
A system that hasn't been pumped on the recommended schedule has more sludge buildup, which increases the pump time. An additional trip charge will apply if the buildup is severe enough to require the truck to be emptied between cleaning flushes.
Let us worry about the schedule!
We’ll set a reminder in our calendar to contact you close to the time your tank needs to be pumped again.
How often should you have your septic tank pumped?
The EPA recommends a professional inspection every 3 years (yearly for systems with electrical or mechanical components) and having the tank pumped every 3-5 years typically.
Not every situation is typical. Here’s a chart with estimates based on tank and household size.
Click HERE for the EPA’s guide How to Care for Your Septic System